Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cell Phone Soup

Dear Lorelai,

This has been quite an eventful week for us! You broke my cell phone, we had a sleep over with a bunch of Alyssa's friends, went swimming at Daddy Becca's and today we went to get my school supplies then to the mall.

On Thursday I was making you some lunch, you asked for macaroni. I put a pot of water on to boil and we sat down to watch Elmo while waiting for it to boil. You asked if you could get up and lay, and of course, I said yes. You were riding your horse bike back and forth from the living room to the dining room having a blast. Well, you decided to take it into the kitchen and I didn't notice. (Bad Mommy!) When I put the water on to boil I left my phone on the kitchen counter. You used your horse bike to stand on and grabbed my phone and dropped it into the pot of water. So now, for the past week, Mommy hasn't had a cell phone.

Alyssa's "Back-To-School Sleep Over" was a lot of fun, but you're really not used to that many people all being here at once, so you got tired really quickly. There were 13 girls here. It was you, Alyssa and MyMy; Septembers girls Halie, Elizabeth and Rianna; Karissas girls Danica, Sophia and LyLy; the little girls from up stairs Melissa, Marissa and Valerie; and Alyssa's friend from school, Brea. Everybody played board games, watched movies and decorated cup cakes. I think Alyssa had the most fun ever at her sleep over.

Yesterday we went to Daddy Becca's apartment and went swimming all day. You had so much fun. You are fearless in the water. At Becca's pool there is a spot that is about 3 or 4 inches deep, it's so you can put a chair in the pool and keep your feet in the water. I tried keeping you in that part so you could play and be safe, but you wanted to jump in the deep end over and over again. Mommy, Becca, Alyssa and Wela kept a good eye on you though. After we got out of the pool we went to the grill to make chicken and hot dogs. While we were out at the grill Crystal and her friends, Erica & Veronica, left and accidentally locked us out. Becca had to get the apartment manager to let us in. You were so tired by the time we finished eating that you fell asleep in my arms while we were watching a movie.

Today my Financial Aid money finally came through so we went to my school and got my tool kit, uniforms and books for class, which starts on Monday. After that we went out to eat then walked around the mall for a couple of hours. We rented you one of those strollers that looks like a car. You loved 'driving' around the mall. When we got home we took a nap, and it was great. Now I'm ready to go back to bed.

Good night my sweet girl!

Love, Mommy!

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