Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Dear Lorelai,

I had the idea to start this blog "Letter's To Lorelai" about 6 weeks ago, and ever since then I have been dying to write you a letter, but I wanted to wait until your birthday to officially start it. I want to use this blog to write a weekly update to you about your life, so maybe when you get older you can read this. I am going to [try to] update your blog every Wednesday. Please don't be upset if I miss a week here and there, taking care of a two year old is hard work! :-)

Today is your birthday, you turned two years old today. You had an awesome birthday. We went to PictureMe and had your pictures done again today. You weren't really to happy about it, but finally you let Ariel (the photographer) take your picture. After that we came home and Mommy baked you a cake, it was chocolate with chocolate. Right now you are in the bedroom playing with your cousins. Pretty much your day rocked! We took your dragon (it's really a wagon, but you call it a dragon) out today. We went to do laundry so you rode in your dragon with the clothes in it. Your favorite part was when we had to hop a curb to get on or off the side walk. You kept saying "Woo-ha!"

Maybe since this is the first "Letter" to you so far maybe I should tell you a little about yourself, up until this point. Let's see, you were born on July 28th, 2008 at 9:39PM. You were a very big baby, you weighed 9 pounds, 10.4 ounces. For your first month of life we lived in Mesquite, but soon after we moved to Pleasant Grove, which is where Mommy lived her whole life. We moved into an apartment on Lake June and lived there for almost 2 years. Just recently we moved again, to a bigger apartment, on Prairie Creek.

Your first birthday party was a "Princess" themed party. It was awesome! You had a lot of friends and family show up. You got a lot of awesome presents; cute clothes and cool toys. We just had your second birthday party, this past Saturday. We had an "Elmo Water Party" at Umphress Spray Park. Even though we told everybody no presents, they brought them anyway. You go a bunch of Elmo books, a lot of really cute clothes, some puzzles, an original "Tickle Me Elmo" and a wagon. You had so much fun at your party! You ran around playing with your friends and cousins for hours and by the time it was over you were so tired and ready for bed.

Well, my precious baby girl, I guess I better end this weeks letter because Alyssa just brought you and the Swirls into the living room to watch Elmo and I have homework to do still.

I love you forever and always!!!

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